Undergraduate Programs / Fees Structure 2024-2025

Under Graduate Fees Structure 2023-24
Faculty/DepartmentProgramme NameStudy TimeDuration/Period(Years)Tution Per Semester
Faculty of Education and Languages
Department of Education HumanitiesBachelor of Arts with Education (BAED)Full-Time3 Years779,568Ugx
Diploma in Secodary Education (DSEARTS)Full-Time3 Years779,568Ugx
Higher Education Certificate (HEC)Full-Time1 Years450,000Ugx
Department of Education ScienceBachelor of Science with Education(BSCED)Full-Time3 Years818,450Ugx
Diploma in Secondary Education (DSESCIE)Full-Time2 Years432,240Ugx
Department of Education In-Service ProgramBachelor of Secondary Education (BSEE) Holiday2 Years337891Ugx
Bachelor of Primary Education (BAPE) Holiday2 Years337891Ugx
Diploma In Primary Education (DIPEXT)Holiday2 Years244,968Ugx
Diploma in Early Child hood Education (DECE)Holiday2 Years244,968Ugx
Faculty of Social Science and Management Studies
Department of Social SciencesBachelor of Public Admininstration and Management (BPAM)Full-Time/Weekend3 Years1,007,664Ugx
Diploma in Public Administration and Management (DPAM)Full-Time/Weekend2 Years625,603Ugx
Bachelor of Social Work & Social Administration (BSA)Full-Time/Weekend3 Years933,264Ugx
Diploma in Social Work & Social Adminstration (DSA)Full-Time/Weekend2 Years538,464Ugx
Certificate in Social Work & Social Adminstration CSAFull-Time/Weekend2 Years416,753Ugx
Bachelor of Development Studies (BDST)Full-Time/Weekend3 Years933,533Ugx
Diploma in Development Studies (DDST)Full-Time/Weekend2 Years625,603Ugx
Department of Business and Management StudiesBachelor of Business Adminstration (BBA)Full-Time/Weekend3 Years1,007,664Ugx
Diploma in Business Adminstration (DBA)Full-Time/Weekend2 Years625,603Ugx
Diploma in Archives & Information Management(DRAIM)Full-Time/Weekend2 Years625,603Ugx
Certificate in in Archives & Information Management(CRAIM)Full-Time/Weekend2 Years416,753Ugx
Bachelor of Human Resourse Management (BHRM)Full-Time/Weekend3 Years1,007,664Ugx
Diploma in Human Resourse Management (DHRM)Full-Time/Weekend2 Years625,603Ugx
Bachelor of Secretarial & Administrative Studies (BASS)Full-Time/Weekend3 Years933,533Ugx
Diploma in Secretarial & Administrative Studies (DASS)Full-Time/Weekend2 Years537,442Ugx
Certificate in Secretarial & Administrative Studies (CASS)Full-Time/Weekend2 Years416,753Ugx
Faculty of Science and TechnologyFull-Time/Weekend
Department of ComputingBachelor of Science in Information Technology (BSCIT)Full-Time/Weekend3 Years1,133,153Ugx
Diploma in Informatin Technology (DIT)Full-Time/Weekend2 Years696,871Ugx
Certificate in Informatin Technology (CIT)Full-Time/Weekend2 Years495,874Ugx
Bachelor of Computer Science (BCS)Full-Time/Weekend3 Years1,190,153Ugx
Diploma in Computer Science (DCS)Full-Time/Weekend2 Years696,871Ugx
Department of AgricultureBachelor of Agriculture Science(BAG)Full-Time/Weekend4 Years1,190,400Ugx
Diploma in Agricultural Science (DAG)Full-Time2 Years714,240Ugx
Certificate in Agriculture (CAG) Full-Time2 Years428,544Ugx
Faculty of Theological Studies
Faculty of Theology Bachelor of Bible & Theology (BTHEO)Full-Time3 Years933,533Ugx
NB; There will be 50% scholarship on tuition (only agriculture Programmes) and 35% scholarship on tuition of Programmes, excluding External students
Year One: Semester OneAmountYear One: Semester Two Amount
Application Fees25,000UgxBus Contribution50,000Ugx
Registration Fees50,000UgxICT Development50,000Ugx
ID Fees15,000UgxField Work/School Practice (Dip)70,000Ugx
Medical Fees50,000UgxMedical Fees50,000Ugx
Sports Fees50,000UgxSports Fees50,000Ugx
Library Fees50,000UgxLibrary Fees50,000Ugx
Gown Fee35,000UgxDevelopment Fees50,000Ugx
Development Fees50,000UgxExamination Fees50,000Ugx
Examination Fees50,000Ugx
Bus Contribution50,000Ugx
Year Two: Semester One AmountYear Two: Semester Two Amount
Registration50,000UgxBus Contribution50,000Ugx
Medical Fees50,000UgxICT Development50,000Ugx
Sports Fees50,000UgxField Work/School Practice 70,000Ugx
Library Fees50,000UgxMedical Fees50,000Ugx
Development Fees50,000UgxSports Fees50,000Ugx
Examination Fees50,000UgxLibrary Fees50,000Ugx
Research (Dip & Degree)70,000UgxDevelopment Fees50,000Ugx
Bus Contribution50,000UgxExamination Fees50,000Ugx
Year Three: Semester One AmountYear Three: Semester TwoAmount
Registration 50,000UgxBus Contribution 50,000Ugx
Medical Fees 50,000UgxICT Development 50,000Ugx
Sports Fees 50,000UgxSchool Practice (Degree) Educ Only70,000Ugx
Library Fees 50,000UgxMedical Fees 50,000Ugx
Development Fees 50,000UgxSports Fees 50,000Ugx
Examination Fees 50,000UgxLibrary Fees 50,000Ugx
Bus Contribution 50,000UgxDevelopment Fees 50,000Ugx
Examination Fees 50,000Ugx
ItemsAmountPayment Interval
Application Fess 25,000UgxOnce
Registration Fees
ID fee15,000UgxOnce
Medical Fees 100,000UgxAnnually
Sports Fees100,000UgxAnnually
Library Fees 100,000UgxAnnually
University Bus Cintribution100,000UgxAnnually
Development Fees 100,000UgxAnnually
ICT Development 50,000UgxAnnually
Examination Fees 50,000UgxAnnually
Research 70,000UgxOnce
School Practice70,000UgxDipe Only
ItemsAmountPayment Period and Bank Account
NCHE Fees 20,000UgxPayable to NCHE Account Annualy through URA Website
UNSA Fees 2,000UgxPayable to Guild Account Annualy
Guild Fees 30,000UgxPayable to Guild Account Per semester for Fultime or 60000Ugx Annually for external
Graduation Fees 200,000UgxShall be paid upon completion of Studies.
Bus ContributionPayable to Bus Account
1. A Student is required to pay commitment fees of 100,000/= (One hundred thousand shillings) which will be considered as part of tuition fees before being issued with the Admission letter.

2. 50% of all fees for the specific Semester should be paid on arrival/reporting.

3. The University reserves the right to adjust the fees without any prior consultations with the students and/or parents

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3 Replies to “Undergraduate Programs / Fees Structure 2024-2025”

  1. I would like to apply for scholarship at the University but I’m accessing any online admission.

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