Message From Vice Chancellor

Dr. Hong Sekee- Current Vice Chancellor of Kumi University Email:

You are warmly welcome to office of the VC.  The Vice-Chancellor is the principal academic and administrative officer of the University. He or she chairs the Council of the University, the General Board of the Faculties and the Finance Committee of the Coun

cil. Among the main tasks of the Vice-Chancellor are to:

  • Provide leadership, academic and administrative to the whole University;
  • Represent the University externally, both within the Uganda and overseas;
  • Secure a financial base sufficient to allow the delivery of the University’s mission, aims and objectives;
  • Carry out certain important ceremonial and civic duties.

The University is in the advanced stages of acquiring the civil charter from the government of Uganda. Once this process is complete, the University will open its gates for higher degree programmes(Masters, PhD….). Currently, the University runs three major study schedules for undergraduate programmes: External for in-service teachers, Week end for busy and/or employed executives, and Full time for direct entrants (O and A) level leavers.

Founded on the Christian Virtues and Values, Kumi University is the perfect answer to your and/or your sons/daughters academic and ethical growth as the values and virtues are part of our integral teaching and learning.

Whether you are an Alumni, a prospective or a student, a guardian, a sponsor of the current student or a member of the community here in Uganda or elsewhere, KUMU is the best place to meet your interest.
No one could have Imagined three decades ago, a place that used to be a bush where hunting, food gathering and where rebels had established themselves would become a center of Excellence, producing students who are very competent enough to transform the lives of Ugandans and organization operations.

Again, I  beseech you be the mercies of God to join us, lets work join hands for humanity.

Thank You.

Prof Jong In Hong
Vice Chancellor

Meet Out gone VC

Dr Sekee Hong