2023-2024 Fess Structure
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Godliness & Excellence for Servanthood
Take a tour of Kumi Umiversity
We offer: Full tuition scholarship to Orphans, Nyero and Karamoja students, and international students from war tone areas, 50% tuition scholarship to good profile academic excellence students and sports talented for Bachelors and Diploma, 100% tuition semester-based academic excellence scholarship Read more
I chose Kumi University because of the aspect of Strong Christianity. Godliness and Excellence for Servant-hood clearly Highlights the environment which tolerates Transparency, Love and Honestly in Academic struggle. I am proud of Kumi University
The Department of Social Science is found in the Faculty of Social Sciences and Management Studies in Kumi University. Considering the well trained and highly qualified staff at the department, there are a range of Bachelor, Diploma and Certificate courses Read more