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The office of the Academic Registrar invites applications for studies in the following courses
Godliness & Excellence for Servanthood
Take a tour of Kumi Umiversity
The office of the Academic Registrar invites applications for studies in the following courses
Kumi University lost to Nkumba University on Saturday 29th April 2017,
On 26th Ever-last youth mappers joined the rest of the mappers to celebrate world malaria day
The along awaited bus is finally at hand, sincere appreciation to all our dear students.
JY. Opon(Academic Registrar) holding books pose for a photo with Judicial Service Commission Officials after public lecture on legal issue. View pictures below.
Director CIC delivers a speech during the inauguration off its offices. Visit CIC Home page
옮기다 Kumi University! You are real. very cheap and yet you offer much more than other expensive Universities. I have been able to compete favorably, thank you. If you are a prospective student looking for a place to study do Read more
옮기다 International students NO FIRST NAME LAST NAME SEX COURSE YEAR REGISTRATION NUMBER NATIONALITY 1. MUGISHA ELOGE M Bachelor of Theology I 16/B/001/BTH/FT BURUNDI 2. MUGISHA PATRICK M Bachelor of Business Administration II 15/01/B/003/BBA/FT BURUNDI 3. INZONKUNDA STEVE M Bachelor Read more