JY. Opon(Academic Registrar) holding books pose for a photo with Judicial Service Commission Officials after public lecture on legal issue. View pictures below.옮기다
A group of guests from Judicial Service Commission led by Ronald Sekagya (Registrar – Education and Public Affairs) and Samuel Mugisa Mukeeri (Principal Legal Officer- Education), on Thursday 23rd March 2017 visited Kumi University. The two lectured University Community on a number of legal issues including: – Domestic Violence, Succession Laws, Handling Sexual offenses, Resolution of Land Disputes and finally explained how Judicial service commission Can help you with such matters. Below are the documents used int the lecture, pull any of them nearer by downloading.
Succession Law 2
Resolution of Land disputes 1
Resolution of Land disputes 2
Handling of Sexual Offences 1
Handling of Sexual Offences 2
Domestic Viollence 1
Domestic Viollence 2
How JSC Can Help You one
How JSC Can Help You 2
Lecture Pictures
Samuel Mugisa Mukeeri (Principal Legal Officer – Education) Unleashes Knowledge on Domestic Violence etc.
Ronal Sekagya (Registrar – Education & Public Affairs. Judicial Service Commision) Ecplains Succession laws
JY Opon Academic Registrar handling books, Ronald Sekagya on a coat and neck tie, Samuel Mukeeri putting on White shirt and Neck tie.