Dr. Hong Sekee and Mr. Jacob Kim are the new Vice Chancellor and Deputy Vice Chancellor in-charge of Finance and Administration respectively, they

were welcomed into their respective offices on Monday 22nd April 2019. Dr. Hong, a re-known Christian Educationist, received this Honorable mantle of leadership from Dr. Young Gil Lee who led Kumi University for the last Five years (2015 to 2019). Meanwhile Mr. Jacob Kim a retired financial consultant with erom (Korean based company ) received the mantle of leadership from the current VC who acted as DVC F&A for approximately 8 Months. It is also important to note that Jacob worked at Kumi University as a financial consultant for the last 8 Months before graduating to his current office. As the two specialist entered their offices, Dr. Young Gil Lee Left for His next Assignment as the President(Vice Chancellor) of Kingdom dream University based in South Korea.
With the addition of the two gentle men into the team of administrators of Kumi University, a number of achievements have been realized in a short period of time. For example;-
- Installation of high speed Internet connection to the entire University, including Morikara,
- Installation of Solar lighting system around campus,
- Follow up of President’s pledges made to Kumi University 9 years ago (Purchase of the Bus for the University, Tarmacking of the Road from the University to Morikara etc) have been made.
- H.E. the Ambassador of South Korea to Uganda visited the University with the mission to discuss with management ways to develop the University further.
- Piped-treated water is now being installed allover campus,
- Ground braking of new Library and Main administrative blocks have been made, which contraction is starting soon.
- Construction of Second floor of Science and Technology block is starting this may,
- Payment for accreditation of reviewed curriculums is being done and so much more.
- University Clinic received an X-Ray Machine
- Faculty of Social Sciences and management studies has received a bunch of computers for their faculty lab.
- Faculty of Theology has been revamped with New dean and a number of Processors
With all the above and much happening, we are geared to attained the chatter so soon.