Welcome to the Library department. 옮기다
We recently deployed two new systems, that is1. offline E-library resources platform where researchers can fine research materials on our offline (without Internet) RACHEL server through on campus RPI WiFi network, and
2. An Online e-library platform which provides our students and staff variety of e-books from the world’s larges databases such as AGPRA, HINARI, Baobab, OARE, ADRI etc. To access online e-books, please visit our e-library platform here and follow the instructions.
To visit our offiline E-books repository, follow the steps below: –
How to Access an Offline RACHEL Server
1. Turn on your device’s WiFi receiver
2. Connect to RPI WiFi Hotspot
3. Open your web browser
4. Type in your URL bar
5. Press Enter.
if you’re able to see RACHEL on your screen then you are done. You can now traverse Linked topics.
- Any student or staff without a Laptop or tablet can sign for a tablet from the librarian then signs it back before he/she gets out.
- No student or staff member is allowed to take the tablet outside the Library
- The server can only be accessed from within the Main library for now
Management – E-resources